Thursday, September 29, 2016

Never get married because you re in love

I’ll repeat that. Never get married because you’re in love.

Sounds crazy?

It’s not.

Let me tell you why.

Ever been to a single’s bar? Mosey on over to the one nearest you and watch what happens. When a man approaches a woman in a singles’ bar – or a woman approaches a man – they each know exactly one thing about the other: how they look. She’s attracted to him, he’s attracted to her. And that physical chemistry forms the basis of whatever relationship may or may not develop. Now, they may think they’re in love. But in fact, they are simply infatuated with each other.

Here’s one to remember: Chemistry ignites the fire, but character keeps it burning. Chemistry – physical attraction – is not something to be ignored. But a deeply loving relationship based on mutual respect cannot stand on chemistry alone. That can only happen with someone whose character you can value and appreciate.

The best way (actually, the only way) to have a lasting relationship is to really look at the quality of the person you’re dating. That means being on the lookout for specific character traits, both positive and negative. The top four qualities to look for are humility, kindness, responsibility and happiness.

Humility. What is humility? Well, it is not being a doormat. Letting people walk all over you is not necessarily a sign of humility. It’s a sign of weakness.

Humble people are not weak. Humble people want to do the right thing rather than their thing, and that takes a lot of confidence and inner strength.

Someone who is humble will put values above convenience.

They can accept criticism without being defensive, because they’re committed to personal growth rather than to comfort.

A humble person will not get angry easily, because they don’t feel that anybody owes them anything. That’s the reason they also tend not to be materialistic.

Now, you may think that the above description applies only to angels. And it would be a mistake to narrow your search down to someone who has mastered all of the above qualities that go along with humility. Nobody’s perfect. But you should look for someone who values humility and is striving to achieve it. At the very least, ask yourself if the person you’re dating is arrogant. You definitely do not want to marry an arrogant person who feels that people owe him or her the world.

Kindness. Kindness is more than just being a nice person. If you ask most engaged couples if their intended spouse is kind, they’ll probably say yes. But the divorce rate is over 50%. If everybody is so kind, then why is the divorce rate so high? Because although people think that they’re kind, they really lack a depth of kindness.

So, what’s kindness? Being a kind person means being a giver, someone who’s committed to giving pleasure and minimizing other people's pain. If two people like this get married, they are much less likely to suffer serious problems in their relationship. That’s because each one is dedicated to the other’s well-being.

How do you know if someone is truly a kind person? Look at how they treat the other people in their lives. How do they treat their parents, siblings and grandparents? Do they feel a sense of gratitude to their parents? If not, what makes you think they’ll feel any sort of gratitude towards you after you’re married?

Watch how they treat the "little people" towards whom they have no obligations – waiters, busboys, doormen, secretaries. How do they treat their employees? What’s their business reputation like? Are they ruthless?

Does the person you’re dating do volunteer work? If not, do they give charity? If the answer to both questions is no, that isn't a good sign.

Do they drive courteously? What happens when they drink, when they lose control a little bit? How do they act?

Take note of the answers to these questions. Write them down so that you’ll have a whole picture in front of you when you need to make a decision about whether or not to continue a relationship.

Responsibility. First thing, ask yourself: Is this person irresponsible? If the answer is yes, be careful. You do not want to marry an irresponsible person. If your first, off the cuff answer is no, then check them out.

Do they have a stable work history? Do they have stable friendships? Do they have long-term friendships, or do they need to move around a lot?

Ask yourself: Can you rely on this person? Do you feel safe and secure with them? Another good question is to ask yourself is if you can trust what the other person says. Do they stand behind what they say? Do they live up to their commitments?

Happiness. You might be stumped on that one. Since when is happiness a character trait?

That all depends on how you define happiness. A happy person is someone who is basically content, who focuses on what they have, not on what they don’t have.

Life has no guarantees. Anyone can be dealt a hard blow. But a person who is internally happy will be able to get past life’s obstacles, whereas someone who is constantly focused on the negative will have a much harder time. And you want to be married to someone who can smile at life.

So remember: Never get married just because you’re in love - focus on character, not on chemistry. Look for a quality person to share your life with, someone humble, kind, responsible and happy. You deserve no less!


Why Your Business Cannot Afford Not to Advertise on Craigslist

Craigslist is not always the best advertising option but there are certain situations in which a business cannot afford not to advertise on Craigslist. For the purposes of this article we will examine two common scenarios where a business owner should definitely consider advertising on Craigslist because failure to do so can be detrimental to his business. These examples include small startup companies without a large advertising budget and existing companies whose direct competitors are advertising extensively on Craigslist.

Small Startup Companies Benefit from Advertising on Craigslist

Small startup companies often have a great deal of work ahead of them to begin competing with existing companies who are already thriving. These companies may already have established client bases and may have substantial funding budges for the purpose of obtaining new customers. Customer loyalty can be difficult to break and new companies either have to offer significantly better quality products or services, comparable products or services at reduced prices or a slick marketing campaign with consumer appeal.

However, smaller companies rarely have the advertising budget necessary to orchestrate an elaborate advertising campaign. This is when Craigslist becomes a necessity. Smaller companies can focus their energy on creating outstanding advertising copy without spending exorbitant amounts of money to run these advertisements in other forms of media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio.

It is important to not that while free advertising is appealing, the advertising should be just as sophisticated as it would in markets where the business owners would be required to pay a fee to run the advertisement. This will help the business to maintain a professional image and will entice potential customer to try their products or services.

Don’t Let the Competition Corner the Market

Another scenario where a business cannot afford not to advertise on Craigslist is when direct competitors are making use of the advertising opportunities on Craigslist. This is important because businesses who do not advertise in the same locations as their competitors are essentially conceding potential customers who peruse those locations to the competitors.

Imagine you own a dog walking business in Portland, Oregon. If there are a large number of members of that community using the local Craigslist website to find dog walkers, you will likely miss out on these business opportunities because these individuals will likely select one of the individuals advertising on Craigslist for their dog walking needs. If you were to place a well written advertisement in an appropriate section of Craigslist you may find you are able to gain a market share of the available business.

There is, however, one caveat to placing advertisements wherever your competitors are advertising. This practice is not considered worthwhile when the market is already saturated with competition. Consider the above example of a dog walker in Portland. If there are a small number of competitors competing for business on Craigslist it is worthwhile to place your own advertisement here. However, if literally hundreds of dog walkers are flooding the website with their advertisement it is not worthwhile to post an advertisement because your advertisement will likely be lost in the shuffle. It is much more worthwhile to advertise in other locations. Checking Craigslist periodically may still be a good idea because those advertising on Craigslist are likely to not see great gain from this advertising and may resort to other options. When you notice a decline in competitor advertisements, it is a great opportunity to add your advertisement.


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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Business service offerings and liquidity

“Being all things to all people” sounds good, but in most cases it reduces the liquidity of a business. Business liquidity encompasses the number of prospective buyers, the business valuation, and the amount of time required to market the then close the deal.

• The most liquid scenario is a co-located web hosting client base, with no data center, offices, or employees, and only one owner/decision maker. This type of business can be under contract to be sold within 48 hours. (Post ‘Letter of Intent’ due diligence, contract preparation, integration plans etc. all take a bit of time.)

• The least liquid scenario is a web hosting company, which offers design services, has offices, a data center, and offers related services such as access, marketing services etc.

Valuation Difference:

Something I have seen many times is the owner/decision maker on the sell side has heard web hosting company valuation formulas and wants to apply that formula to his company. Inevitably the owner is disappointed when the offer comes up short in their mind, and passes on what actually is a fair valuation.

Design Services:

The decision to staff up and start offering web design services to complement the pure play hosting recurring revenue is a huge decision with regards to the effect on business liquidity. Of course design services can be a natural fit with hosting clients by helping to reduce client churn and up selling existing clients. However, the value of the revenue and cash flow generated from one-time design jobs is no where near the value of the recurring hosting revenue and cash flow.

Negatives of design departments when it comes time to sell:

• From the buyer’s perspective, acquiring the entire company and keeping the design efforts going is risky. It’s 50/50 whether the key design people will stick around after closing … regardless what they or the seller states. In addition, if you have to replace key people, the new staff will not have the relationships with the client base.

• From the buyer’s perspective, acquiring the entire company then canceling the design efforts is usually a risky decision as well. There are offices to deal with in addition to staff which needs to be let go … both time consuming and detrimental to the existing client base.

• My estimate is for every 20 buyers of a pure play hosting company, there are only 1-2 buyers for hosting design shop combo’s.

Internet Data Center:

Investing in an IDC may increase the value of the entire company by an enormous amount over time, but definitely reduces the liquidity in the short run. Typically smaller web host co-locate in the beginning, then at a later date acquire their own data center. In turn, the company will then offer space to other smaller host hence creating yet another service offering.

Owning an underutilized data center reduces the number of one type of buyer … the “cash flow buyer”, yet invites a new category of buyer, the “asset and cash flow buyer”. The later buyer is looking to both grow through acquisitions and make the swap from co-location to owning the data center. The less remaining capacity of the data center, the more of a cash flow type deal it will be, hence usually more liquid.

Which phones are restricted and how to unlock

If you are one of the nearly 200 million American cell phone users, you probably signed a contract to get a steal of a deal on your phone. While this contract might be fine and dandy if you stay in the same town or city, travelers risk high roaming and per minute fees if they venture out of service area. This is where unlocking your cell phone comes into play. So how will you know if your phone is locked? And how do you unlock it if it is?

Cell phones providers AT&T/Cingular and T-Mobile are GSM (Group Special Mobile) and can technically be used worldwide if unlocked. Sprint, Nextel and Verizon are not GSM providers and cannot be unlocked. If you have a SIM chip in your phone, then it is GSM and you can perform a mobile unlock on your cell.

Once you’ve determined your phone number and account are tied to your SIM chip, not your actual phone, you can then perform the following test to see if your phone is locked:

• Borrow an activated SIM chip from a friend using a different wireless service provider

• Install the borrowed SIM chip in your phone and turn it on

• Try calling your friend’s phone number from a LAN or other mobile phone

• If it rings on your phone, it is unlocked.

• If your mobile with the borrowed SIM does not have service or issues an error message, your phone is locked.

Once you have determined your cell is locked, there are two basic techniques to perform a mobile unlock. You may have to try both of them to accomplish a mobile unlock.

Some phones may be unlocked by entering a code into it. The code is usually unique for your particular phone based on the IMEI (serial number) and provider. The phone’s IMEI is usually found in the battery case. Don’t confuse this number with the SIM number, they are separate. You can search online for an online “unlock code calculator”, then will enter your IMEI and phone model.

Other phones need software to “talk” to their operating system to unlock. You typically connect your phone to your PC, run a software program and flash your phones memory. We can sell you cables and software programs for your phone for a mobile unlock.


More and more, my colleagues in the field of marketing think of billboard advertising as a waste of money. After all, no one really pays attention to advertising billboards anymore, do they? The billboards can not dance around or make noise to attract you. Besides that, most of the time you have passed them by within a minute of first seeing them. Given this, many people argue, what is the point?

When I hear these kinds of opinions, however, I am sure to point out the fact that they are misguided. Yes, there are some weaknesses to advertising billboards, but then again, there are weaknesses to any kind of ads. For example, when people are on the net and they see a banner pop up, they can just close it. If a commercial comes up on the TV while they are watching it, they can – and do – just change the channel. And don't even get me started on the flaws of mailing list advertising.

Given all of these factors, then, it is no surprise that in many areas, the advertising billboard is not only continuing to flourish, but actually growing in popularity. One of the best things about them is that you can not turn them off. Other forms of advertising can be switched off or looked away from, but advertising billboards most often loom up in front of drivers. You do not have to look straight at them, but I can almost guarantee that you will notice them no matter how hard you try to avoid them. Even if you can block out advertising billboards from time to time, if you pass the same ones every day on your way to work, you are bound to see them.

Another great thing about advertising billboards is that they catch people when they are out and about. Let's face it, when people are sitting at home they are less likely to move. Often, no matter how tantalizing a meal looks, or how high tech a new computer looks, they will be unmoved to buy. When people are out in the city and they see advertising billboards, by contrast, they are much more likely to make a purchase. This does not always hold for big ticket items, but it certainly does for the small ones. Advertising billboards convince people to go to one restaurant over another every day! This is only one small piece of evidence of their effectiveness.

Freelancer or a web design agency

When you are looking for someone to build a website for you, you have many different options. One of the first things you will have to do is decide is whether you want to use a freelancer or a web design agency to design your website for you. Each option has its own unique set of pros and cons that need to be carefully considered so that you get the web design professional that meets your specific wants and needs.

Freelancers can be a great option. One of the great things about a freelancer is that they have more freedom and flexibility to take on a variety of projects. Some of the most creative people in web design work strictly on a contract or freelance basis. Another great thing about using a freelance web designer is that you may be able to negotiate a great deal. Freelancers often work from their homes, so there are myriad expenses that are spared. While it is true that freelancing has its own expenses associated with it, freelancers certainly have a greater range to negotiate a price. Lastly, you may find a great talent at a bargain. Many new freelancers are eager for work and sites that they can use in their portfolio to command higher-paying jobs. These people are very talented; they are just not as experienced. If you can find one of these gems, and don't mind being a bit patient while they get the hang of freelance work, you can get a great deal on top of the line web design service and also help a deserving person launch his or her career.

Although there are many good reasons to go with a freelancer, there are some drawbacks. If a freelancer gets in over his or her head, it might be hard for him or her to find someone to help him out. Also, there is a great potential for miscommunication and other project-killing incidents to happen with a freelancer. Lastly, with a freelancer, the price may be more variable. You may not know exactly how much the project will cost until it is already over.

If the drawbacks of hiring a freelance professional for your web design project outweigh the benefits, you may want to consider using a web design agency. Web design agencies are usually more established. It is easier to get references as well as a look at portfolio material. Furthermore, a web design agency will have a wide variety of people to work on a project, so that if there is a function that you want, there will be someone in the agency who knows how to do it. Web design agencies also have the benefit of experience. They can accurately estimate the cost of a job, so there are no surprises for you. Finally, most web design agencies are members of their local commerce chambers or some other authoritative organization. If you have a hard time with a freelancer, you don't have very many avenues for recourse. However, with a web design agency, you are more likely to have any dispute you may have resolved to your satisfaction.

Web design agencies and freelance web design professionals both have solid good points and a couple bad points. In order to figure out which is right for you, you need to do an honest assessment of what you are looking for and what risk you are willing to tolerate for what benefits. Each project has its own needs and at any given time a freelancer might be more desirable than a web design agency or vice versa.

As summer fades your tan doesn t have to

Enjoying the sun has been a favorite pastime for people of all ages for many years. Today, it is still one of life's free pleasures.

In the early 1920s, "Sun Therapy" became very popular and was prescribed as a cure for everything from simple fatigue to tuberculosis. Around the same time, French fashion designer Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel popularized the tan as a status symbol when she appeared at the fashion shows with a golden tan obtained while vacationing on the French Riviera.

In the mid-1940s, home tanning lamps gained popularity with health enthusiasts. And in the 1970s, the carefree youth culture demanded a year-round tan so they could appear to have just returned from vacation. This spawned the development of the indoor tanning bed (1975) and the growing popularity of sunless tanning lotions.

Today, with superior application methods and advanced ingredients, the use of sunless tanning products is at an all-time high and anyone can enjoy the appearance of a beautiful, healthy-looking tan-year-round.

Keep On Glowing

As summer fades, your tan doesn't have to. One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep a beautiful tan looking fresh and radiant through the sunning season and beyond is to use products specifically designed to create and maintain a sun-kissed glow. Following are some simple sunless tanning tips from the experts at California Tan.

• Always Prepare Your Skin-For best results, prime skin with a gentle, oil-free exfoliating product to do away with rough, flaky, dry skin to create a smooth surface that will more evenly absorb sunless tanning ingredients. Exfoliating will also help color last longer and help the sunless tan fade away more evenly and naturally.

• Apply Self-Tanner Once a Week-To develop or maintain a healthy-looking glow, apply self-tanner over entire body in even, circular motions and always wash hands after application. Never apply self-tanner to palms of hands or soles of feet. Choose a product format that is best for your skin type-lotion for dryer skin, spray for oilier skin, or foam for combination skin. A product with a subtle tint allows for easy application as it "shows where it goes."

• Keep Color Fresh and Skin Hydrated-To extend color and protect a tan from fading away, use a moisturizer containing subtle self-tanning, skin-enhancing bronzers. The combination of hydrating the skin and supplying it with the added bronzers will keep color going strong and skin smooth and radiant.

• Pay Extra Attention to Fast-Fading Zones-Certain body parts, like the face and legs, lose color due to excessive cleansing and/or shaving. Keep color longer by paying special attention to these areas with products designed to extend color longer with bronzing, anti-aging, sun care protection and moisturizing ingredients. California Tan Face Perfector SPF 15 and Leg Perfector were designed to prolong color on your face and legs.