Saturday, September 24, 2016

The hypnotic voice the vocals of hypnosis

It’s impossible to state with certainty whether a particular vocal level or tone has more success in hypnosis. There have been no scientific studies as far as I am aware. However, I think that naturally, people are more receptive to suggestions delivered in a neutral tone, and they’re less receptive to any information delivered as a command or in an authoritarian tone. It’s human nature. We don’t typically like to be told what to do. But this is not to say that either method doesn’t work.

Of course I am talking more about the use of hypnosis for therapy. For let’s not forget that stage hypnotists invariably use a stronger, more powerful tone of delivery. They have to. They’re putting on a show a for the benefit of hundreds of spectators. Plus they’re often talking to a group of people at the same time. In this forum, there is the entertainment factor which dictates the approach. The firm delivery of the stage hypnotist doesn’t seem to compromise the success of the hypnosis. A soft mellow voice or Mickey Mouse cartoon type voice would not work in this context.

As a hypnotherapist I personally prefer to speak in a normal voice, slowly, and use a soft, clear tone. This is the same regardless as to whether it is one on one in my office or on a self hypnosis recording. I want to use a voice that is conducive to relaxing. Certainly, I’ll stress certain words to emphasize them or have a word stand out, but I do this with a slight shift in tone or pitch, or by using a pause before or after a certain word. I don’t believe in barking out commands. I believe a subtle shift in tone or pitch will deliver the desired emphasis subliminally, without the risk of agitating or winding people up.

Interestingly, women tend to seek male therapists while men typically seek female therapists. There is no study or conclusive information explaining this. I would speculate that maybe men seek that nurturing motherly tone to which they are accustomed to listening and obeying, while women perhaps seek the comfort and safety of the protective fatherly figure. The conclusive point to take away from this is that there is no greater or lesser success rate whether the voice is male or female.

I believe that the tone is important indeed, but it’s really a combination of the tone and the message, isn’t it? It’s not what you say or how you say it. It’s really both. It’s all very well having the perfect voice, but it’s no good if what you say is garbage.

The right balance of message and tone will achieve hypnosis quite easily, but there is nothing suggesting precisely what the balance has to be. Each hypnotist has to work out how to use their own voice to maximize the results of hypnosis, be it on stage or in the consulting room, and great care must also be taken on the actual content of the delivery. Getting both aspects right will only benefit the listener and achieve the wonderful results that we know hypnosis can bring.

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