Thursday, September 29, 2016

Never get married because you re in love

I’ll repeat that. Never get married because you’re in love.

Sounds crazy?

It’s not.

Let me tell you why.

Ever been to a single’s bar? Mosey on over to the one nearest you and watch what happens. When a man approaches a woman in a singles’ bar – or a woman approaches a man – they each know exactly one thing about the other: how they look. She’s attracted to him, he’s attracted to her. And that physical chemistry forms the basis of whatever relationship may or may not develop. Now, they may think they’re in love. But in fact, they are simply infatuated with each other.

Here’s one to remember: Chemistry ignites the fire, but character keeps it burning. Chemistry – physical attraction – is not something to be ignored. But a deeply loving relationship based on mutual respect cannot stand on chemistry alone. That can only happen with someone whose character you can value and appreciate.

The best way (actually, the only way) to have a lasting relationship is to really look at the quality of the person you’re dating. That means being on the lookout for specific character traits, both positive and negative. The top four qualities to look for are humility, kindness, responsibility and happiness.

Humility. What is humility? Well, it is not being a doormat. Letting people walk all over you is not necessarily a sign of humility. It’s a sign of weakness.

Humble people are not weak. Humble people want to do the right thing rather than their thing, and that takes a lot of confidence and inner strength.

Someone who is humble will put values above convenience.

They can accept criticism without being defensive, because they’re committed to personal growth rather than to comfort.

A humble person will not get angry easily, because they don’t feel that anybody owes them anything. That’s the reason they also tend not to be materialistic.

Now, you may think that the above description applies only to angels. And it would be a mistake to narrow your search down to someone who has mastered all of the above qualities that go along with humility. Nobody’s perfect. But you should look for someone who values humility and is striving to achieve it. At the very least, ask yourself if the person you’re dating is arrogant. You definitely do not want to marry an arrogant person who feels that people owe him or her the world.

Kindness. Kindness is more than just being a nice person. If you ask most engaged couples if their intended spouse is kind, they’ll probably say yes. But the divorce rate is over 50%. If everybody is so kind, then why is the divorce rate so high? Because although people think that they’re kind, they really lack a depth of kindness.

So, what’s kindness? Being a kind person means being a giver, someone who’s committed to giving pleasure and minimizing other people's pain. If two people like this get married, they are much less likely to suffer serious problems in their relationship. That’s because each one is dedicated to the other’s well-being.

How do you know if someone is truly a kind person? Look at how they treat the other people in their lives. How do they treat their parents, siblings and grandparents? Do they feel a sense of gratitude to their parents? If not, what makes you think they’ll feel any sort of gratitude towards you after you’re married?

Watch how they treat the "little people" towards whom they have no obligations – waiters, busboys, doormen, secretaries. How do they treat their employees? What’s their business reputation like? Are they ruthless?

Does the person you’re dating do volunteer work? If not, do they give charity? If the answer to both questions is no, that isn't a good sign.

Do they drive courteously? What happens when they drink, when they lose control a little bit? How do they act?

Take note of the answers to these questions. Write them down so that you’ll have a whole picture in front of you when you need to make a decision about whether or not to continue a relationship.

Responsibility. First thing, ask yourself: Is this person irresponsible? If the answer is yes, be careful. You do not want to marry an irresponsible person. If your first, off the cuff answer is no, then check them out.

Do they have a stable work history? Do they have stable friendships? Do they have long-term friendships, or do they need to move around a lot?

Ask yourself: Can you rely on this person? Do you feel safe and secure with them? Another good question is to ask yourself is if you can trust what the other person says. Do they stand behind what they say? Do they live up to their commitments?

Happiness. You might be stumped on that one. Since when is happiness a character trait?

That all depends on how you define happiness. A happy person is someone who is basically content, who focuses on what they have, not on what they don’t have.

Life has no guarantees. Anyone can be dealt a hard blow. But a person who is internally happy will be able to get past life’s obstacles, whereas someone who is constantly focused on the negative will have a much harder time. And you want to be married to someone who can smile at life.

So remember: Never get married just because you’re in love - focus on character, not on chemistry. Look for a quality person to share your life with, someone humble, kind, responsible and happy. You deserve no less!


Why Your Business Cannot Afford Not to Advertise on Craigslist

Craigslist is not always the best advertising option but there are certain situations in which a business cannot afford not to advertise on Craigslist. For the purposes of this article we will examine two common scenarios where a business owner should definitely consider advertising on Craigslist because failure to do so can be detrimental to his business. These examples include small startup companies without a large advertising budget and existing companies whose direct competitors are advertising extensively on Craigslist.

Small Startup Companies Benefit from Advertising on Craigslist

Small startup companies often have a great deal of work ahead of them to begin competing with existing companies who are already thriving. These companies may already have established client bases and may have substantial funding budges for the purpose of obtaining new customers. Customer loyalty can be difficult to break and new companies either have to offer significantly better quality products or services, comparable products or services at reduced prices or a slick marketing campaign with consumer appeal.

However, smaller companies rarely have the advertising budget necessary to orchestrate an elaborate advertising campaign. This is when Craigslist becomes a necessity. Smaller companies can focus their energy on creating outstanding advertising copy without spending exorbitant amounts of money to run these advertisements in other forms of media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio.

It is important to not that while free advertising is appealing, the advertising should be just as sophisticated as it would in markets where the business owners would be required to pay a fee to run the advertisement. This will help the business to maintain a professional image and will entice potential customer to try their products or services.

Don’t Let the Competition Corner the Market

Another scenario where a business cannot afford not to advertise on Craigslist is when direct competitors are making use of the advertising opportunities on Craigslist. This is important because businesses who do not advertise in the same locations as their competitors are essentially conceding potential customers who peruse those locations to the competitors.

Imagine you own a dog walking business in Portland, Oregon. If there are a large number of members of that community using the local Craigslist website to find dog walkers, you will likely miss out on these business opportunities because these individuals will likely select one of the individuals advertising on Craigslist for their dog walking needs. If you were to place a well written advertisement in an appropriate section of Craigslist you may find you are able to gain a market share of the available business.

There is, however, one caveat to placing advertisements wherever your competitors are advertising. This practice is not considered worthwhile when the market is already saturated with competition. Consider the above example of a dog walker in Portland. If there are a small number of competitors competing for business on Craigslist it is worthwhile to place your own advertisement here. However, if literally hundreds of dog walkers are flooding the website with their advertisement it is not worthwhile to post an advertisement because your advertisement will likely be lost in the shuffle. It is much more worthwhile to advertise in other locations. Checking Craigslist periodically may still be a good idea because those advertising on Craigslist are likely to not see great gain from this advertising and may resort to other options. When you notice a decline in competitor advertisements, it is a great opportunity to add your advertisement.


Word count 585

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Business service offerings and liquidity

“Being all things to all people” sounds good, but in most cases it reduces the liquidity of a business. Business liquidity encompasses the number of prospective buyers, the business valuation, and the amount of time required to market the then close the deal.

• The most liquid scenario is a co-located web hosting client base, with no data center, offices, or employees, and only one owner/decision maker. This type of business can be under contract to be sold within 48 hours. (Post ‘Letter of Intent’ due diligence, contract preparation, integration plans etc. all take a bit of time.)

• The least liquid scenario is a web hosting company, which offers design services, has offices, a data center, and offers related services such as access, marketing services etc.

Valuation Difference:

Something I have seen many times is the owner/decision maker on the sell side has heard web hosting company valuation formulas and wants to apply that formula to his company. Inevitably the owner is disappointed when the offer comes up short in their mind, and passes on what actually is a fair valuation.

Design Services:

The decision to staff up and start offering web design services to complement the pure play hosting recurring revenue is a huge decision with regards to the effect on business liquidity. Of course design services can be a natural fit with hosting clients by helping to reduce client churn and up selling existing clients. However, the value of the revenue and cash flow generated from one-time design jobs is no where near the value of the recurring hosting revenue and cash flow.

Negatives of design departments when it comes time to sell:

• From the buyer’s perspective, acquiring the entire company and keeping the design efforts going is risky. It’s 50/50 whether the key design people will stick around after closing … regardless what they or the seller states. In addition, if you have to replace key people, the new staff will not have the relationships with the client base.

• From the buyer’s perspective, acquiring the entire company then canceling the design efforts is usually a risky decision as well. There are offices to deal with in addition to staff which needs to be let go … both time consuming and detrimental to the existing client base.

• My estimate is for every 20 buyers of a pure play hosting company, there are only 1-2 buyers for hosting design shop combo’s.

Internet Data Center:

Investing in an IDC may increase the value of the entire company by an enormous amount over time, but definitely reduces the liquidity in the short run. Typically smaller web host co-locate in the beginning, then at a later date acquire their own data center. In turn, the company will then offer space to other smaller host hence creating yet another service offering.

Owning an underutilized data center reduces the number of one type of buyer … the “cash flow buyer”, yet invites a new category of buyer, the “asset and cash flow buyer”. The later buyer is looking to both grow through acquisitions and make the swap from co-location to owning the data center. The less remaining capacity of the data center, the more of a cash flow type deal it will be, hence usually more liquid.

Which phones are restricted and how to unlock

If you are one of the nearly 200 million American cell phone users, you probably signed a contract to get a steal of a deal on your phone. While this contract might be fine and dandy if you stay in the same town or city, travelers risk high roaming and per minute fees if they venture out of service area. This is where unlocking your cell phone comes into play. So how will you know if your phone is locked? And how do you unlock it if it is?

Cell phones providers AT&T/Cingular and T-Mobile are GSM (Group Special Mobile) and can technically be used worldwide if unlocked. Sprint, Nextel and Verizon are not GSM providers and cannot be unlocked. If you have a SIM chip in your phone, then it is GSM and you can perform a mobile unlock on your cell.

Once you’ve determined your phone number and account are tied to your SIM chip, not your actual phone, you can then perform the following test to see if your phone is locked:

• Borrow an activated SIM chip from a friend using a different wireless service provider

• Install the borrowed SIM chip in your phone and turn it on

• Try calling your friend’s phone number from a LAN or other mobile phone

• If it rings on your phone, it is unlocked.

• If your mobile with the borrowed SIM does not have service or issues an error message, your phone is locked.

Once you have determined your cell is locked, there are two basic techniques to perform a mobile unlock. You may have to try both of them to accomplish a mobile unlock.

Some phones may be unlocked by entering a code into it. The code is usually unique for your particular phone based on the IMEI (serial number) and provider. The phone’s IMEI is usually found in the battery case. Don’t confuse this number with the SIM number, they are separate. You can search online for an online “unlock code calculator”, then will enter your IMEI and phone model.

Other phones need software to “talk” to their operating system to unlock. You typically connect your phone to your PC, run a software program and flash your phones memory. We can sell you cables and software programs for your phone for a mobile unlock.


More and more, my colleagues in the field of marketing think of billboard advertising as a waste of money. After all, no one really pays attention to advertising billboards anymore, do they? The billboards can not dance around or make noise to attract you. Besides that, most of the time you have passed them by within a minute of first seeing them. Given this, many people argue, what is the point?

When I hear these kinds of opinions, however, I am sure to point out the fact that they are misguided. Yes, there are some weaknesses to advertising billboards, but then again, there are weaknesses to any kind of ads. For example, when people are on the net and they see a banner pop up, they can just close it. If a commercial comes up on the TV while they are watching it, they can – and do – just change the channel. And don't even get me started on the flaws of mailing list advertising.

Given all of these factors, then, it is no surprise that in many areas, the advertising billboard is not only continuing to flourish, but actually growing in popularity. One of the best things about them is that you can not turn them off. Other forms of advertising can be switched off or looked away from, but advertising billboards most often loom up in front of drivers. You do not have to look straight at them, but I can almost guarantee that you will notice them no matter how hard you try to avoid them. Even if you can block out advertising billboards from time to time, if you pass the same ones every day on your way to work, you are bound to see them.

Another great thing about advertising billboards is that they catch people when they are out and about. Let's face it, when people are sitting at home they are less likely to move. Often, no matter how tantalizing a meal looks, or how high tech a new computer looks, they will be unmoved to buy. When people are out in the city and they see advertising billboards, by contrast, they are much more likely to make a purchase. This does not always hold for big ticket items, but it certainly does for the small ones. Advertising billboards convince people to go to one restaurant over another every day! This is only one small piece of evidence of their effectiveness.

Freelancer or a web design agency

When you are looking for someone to build a website for you, you have many different options. One of the first things you will have to do is decide is whether you want to use a freelancer or a web design agency to design your website for you. Each option has its own unique set of pros and cons that need to be carefully considered so that you get the web design professional that meets your specific wants and needs.

Freelancers can be a great option. One of the great things about a freelancer is that they have more freedom and flexibility to take on a variety of projects. Some of the most creative people in web design work strictly on a contract or freelance basis. Another great thing about using a freelance web designer is that you may be able to negotiate a great deal. Freelancers often work from their homes, so there are myriad expenses that are spared. While it is true that freelancing has its own expenses associated with it, freelancers certainly have a greater range to negotiate a price. Lastly, you may find a great talent at a bargain. Many new freelancers are eager for work and sites that they can use in their portfolio to command higher-paying jobs. These people are very talented; they are just not as experienced. If you can find one of these gems, and don't mind being a bit patient while they get the hang of freelance work, you can get a great deal on top of the line web design service and also help a deserving person launch his or her career.

Although there are many good reasons to go with a freelancer, there are some drawbacks. If a freelancer gets in over his or her head, it might be hard for him or her to find someone to help him out. Also, there is a great potential for miscommunication and other project-killing incidents to happen with a freelancer. Lastly, with a freelancer, the price may be more variable. You may not know exactly how much the project will cost until it is already over.

If the drawbacks of hiring a freelance professional for your web design project outweigh the benefits, you may want to consider using a web design agency. Web design agencies are usually more established. It is easier to get references as well as a look at portfolio material. Furthermore, a web design agency will have a wide variety of people to work on a project, so that if there is a function that you want, there will be someone in the agency who knows how to do it. Web design agencies also have the benefit of experience. They can accurately estimate the cost of a job, so there are no surprises for you. Finally, most web design agencies are members of their local commerce chambers or some other authoritative organization. If you have a hard time with a freelancer, you don't have very many avenues for recourse. However, with a web design agency, you are more likely to have any dispute you may have resolved to your satisfaction.

Web design agencies and freelance web design professionals both have solid good points and a couple bad points. In order to figure out which is right for you, you need to do an honest assessment of what you are looking for and what risk you are willing to tolerate for what benefits. Each project has its own needs and at any given time a freelancer might be more desirable than a web design agency or vice versa.

As summer fades your tan doesn t have to

Enjoying the sun has been a favorite pastime for people of all ages for many years. Today, it is still one of life's free pleasures.

In the early 1920s, "Sun Therapy" became very popular and was prescribed as a cure for everything from simple fatigue to tuberculosis. Around the same time, French fashion designer Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel popularized the tan as a status symbol when she appeared at the fashion shows with a golden tan obtained while vacationing on the French Riviera.

In the mid-1940s, home tanning lamps gained popularity with health enthusiasts. And in the 1970s, the carefree youth culture demanded a year-round tan so they could appear to have just returned from vacation. This spawned the development of the indoor tanning bed (1975) and the growing popularity of sunless tanning lotions.

Today, with superior application methods and advanced ingredients, the use of sunless tanning products is at an all-time high and anyone can enjoy the appearance of a beautiful, healthy-looking tan-year-round.

Keep On Glowing

As summer fades, your tan doesn't have to. One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep a beautiful tan looking fresh and radiant through the sunning season and beyond is to use products specifically designed to create and maintain a sun-kissed glow. Following are some simple sunless tanning tips from the experts at California Tan.

• Always Prepare Your Skin-For best results, prime skin with a gentle, oil-free exfoliating product to do away with rough, flaky, dry skin to create a smooth surface that will more evenly absorb sunless tanning ingredients. Exfoliating will also help color last longer and help the sunless tan fade away more evenly and naturally.

• Apply Self-Tanner Once a Week-To develop or maintain a healthy-looking glow, apply self-tanner over entire body in even, circular motions and always wash hands after application. Never apply self-tanner to palms of hands or soles of feet. Choose a product format that is best for your skin type-lotion for dryer skin, spray for oilier skin, or foam for combination skin. A product with a subtle tint allows for easy application as it "shows where it goes."

• Keep Color Fresh and Skin Hydrated-To extend color and protect a tan from fading away, use a moisturizer containing subtle self-tanning, skin-enhancing bronzers. The combination of hydrating the skin and supplying it with the added bronzers will keep color going strong and skin smooth and radiant.

• Pay Extra Attention to Fast-Fading Zones-Certain body parts, like the face and legs, lose color due to excessive cleansing and/or shaving. Keep color longer by paying special attention to these areas with products designed to extend color longer with bronzing, anti-aging, sun care protection and moisturizing ingredients. California Tan Face Perfector SPF 15 and Leg Perfector were designed to prolong color on your face and legs.

Interest only mortgages - things you should know

Interest-Only or “Interest-First” mortgages have been around for quite some time now, but have recently been exploding in popularity. Originally offered primarily in the non-prime market, interest only mortgages are now available as conforming loans and can come as a feature on a wealth of loan programs, including adjustable rate mortgages, 40 and 50 year term loans, stated income loans, and to borrowers with credit scores as low as 540.

The first thing you should know about an interest-only mortgage loan before you commit is that YOUR PAYMENT WILL CHANGE. (read, YOUR PAYMENT WILL INCREASE). With an interest-only loan, your first payments are towards the interest, not the principal. After a set amount of time (traditionally, anywhere from two to fifteen years), the lender will require you to start paying back the principal along with your interest payments. As long as you are prepared for this payment adjustment, interest-only loans can be an extremely useful tool in financing, especially purchases. With a lower monthly payment, your purchase power increases when shopping for your dream home, and you can always re-finance down the road to a regular amortizing loan.

There are a few caveats to be watchful of. Some predatory lenders target first time homebuyers by telling them they can afford (on paper) that gorgeous seven bedroom mansion. The mortgage they may have in mind could have a fixed rate for only two years (and then increase 2-3%), be interest only for the first two to five years, and have a pre-payment penalty that would cost them thousands of dollars if they want to refinance or even sell in the first two to five years of the loan. Unable to cope with the payment shock, the new homeowners may be forced into a very uncomfortable financial position.

Interest-only mortgages are a viable for many people. Just make sure you do your research and understand all facets of the loan you are offered.

Getting out of credit card debt

If you've got huge payments and high interest rates on your credit card, you may feel like you'll never get your head above water.

You can get out of credit card debt, if you are determined enough. Though it's difficult to get out of debt, it isn't impossible. All you need in order to get out of credit card debt is planning and determination. Both are equally important.

Determination doesn't come without proper motivation, so you need to ask yourself these questions: "How will getting out of credit card debt benefit me", "What difference will it make", and "Is it really worth it to try to get out of debt." Use the answers to these questions to build up your determination.

The fact that all the nagging mail and phone calls from the collection agencies will end should strengthen your determination and provide you with a reason to get out of debt. Think about the stress-free life you'll have after you get out of debt. List the reasons you want to get out from under your credit card debt and ponder the benefits. Collectively, these will help bolster your determination and prevent lapses.

The second thing that you need to get out of credit card debt is plenty of planning. The planning starts with making a list of the credit cards that you currently posses and noting the debt and the APR for each of them. The sum total of all this information is how much you owe. You also need to check whether you have been defaulting on payments on any of these credit cards (and hence incurring late fees). You will need to avoid doing that. Put it in the plan you have prepared for getting out of debt.

The next step is to check your current financial position. Make an assessment of what you expect your future financial position to be. Then you need to do research to check what balance transfer offers are available. See if one of these can prove beneficial to you. Use this information to calculate how much time you will require to get out of debt and how you will distribute the debt payment across your various credit cards. Try to pay off the debt that is largest first and make sure that you don't make any late payments.

You can get out of debt. It is not impossible. If you have any more questions about getting out of debt, contact a consumer credit counselor.

Car donation tax deduction

Next to wanting to contribute to charitable causes, perhaps your biggest motivation to donate your car is the substantial tax break it can give you. Don’t be misled by information about your return, because the tax breaks you can get from a car donation may not be as big as you think.

If your car donation is worth more than $500, then you should read “Revenue Provisions” in Section 884 of Title VIII. This details the new restrictions on car donations value at more than the aforementioned amount.

In a nutshell, the provision caps the allowable amount of tax deductions to the gross proceeds received by the recipient (the charitable organization you donate your car to) from the sale of your donated vehicle. When you donate a vehicle with a claimed value of $500 or more, your tax-deductible amount will depend on how the charity uses the vehicle. For example, if the charity sells the car, then you can only deduct the amount of gross proceeds that the charity received from the sale. On the other hand, if the charity plans to use the car for tax-approved charitable work as approved by the law, you can claim the car’s fair market value.

The same law also requires the charity to provide you with a written acknowledgment of the contribution within 30 days from the day you make the donation. If your recipient gives you a false or fraudulent acknowledgment, they will face a penalty.

In many instances the tax breaks you get from donating your car are enough to cover (or exceed) the amount you could have sold the car for. Remember that you usually do not have to pay for any paperwork or dealer fees when you donate your car. In the end it is still more sensible to donate you car rather than sell it. This way you don’t only make a profit – you also help worthy causes.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Renovating for a quick sale

One of the most popular things to do to increase your home's value prior to selling, is to renovate and spiff up the home and property in order to catch the eye of prospective buyers. Its a time consuming process, so its a process that should be planned carefully from the get-go. The question remains, what renovations should you undertake in order to accomplish this goal? Two things that are always good ideas are kitchens and bathrooms.

Kitchens are the most communal rooms in any home. They are the gathering place of the family and a meeting point for friends and neighbors. As one of the most high-traffic rooms, they are also one of the rooms that receives the most wear and tear. There is a simple truth, new kitchens can sell homes. Buyers appreciate new appliances and countertops, they are highly attractive and can also raise the value of a home by thousands. Floors can also drastically change the look of a kitchen. If the floors are worn old linoleum, try replacing them with new tile or laminate, the worth of the change will be evident when the house shows.

Bathrooms are an area that can quickly fall into a state of disrepair. This is largely due to the amount of moisture that is in the air on a constant basis. Any wood elements of a bathroom will usually deteriorate faster than other areas of the home. Also, custom bathrooms are becoming highly popular selling points for many homes. There is a real move towards creating artistic bathrooms, whether that be regressing to an older, more classical style with clawfoot tubs and pedestal sinks or; a more modern feel with clean lines and utilitarian fixtures. Being that aside from the kitchen this room is the room with the larger fixtures and appliances, it is a natural choice for renovation.


pH miracle diet cooking tips

Adopting the pH miracle diet way of life means changing your approach to eating and cooking. Many people make the transition easily, but for others the pH miracle diet makes them enter the foreign territory of fresh vegetables and vegetarian protein sources.

There is an endless supply of alkalizing recipes in the pH miracle diet books and online. You will never be out of meal ideas if you take the time to look for new recipes each week. Although at first the meals and methods may be unfamiliar, they will become second nature with practice.

Many people who start out on the pH miracle diet way of eating do not know where to start. Their diets used to consist primarily of packaged foods, meats and other acid forming choices. While its okay to eat these foods occasionally, the vast majority of their recipes and meal choices are now a thing of the past.

This may seem overwhelming at first, but really you only need to find 10 recipes that you like and can make well. That’s really all that most families and individuals use. If you rotate only two or three dinner recipes, you are going to get burnt out on the program really fast. Try a few new recipes each week and build your “portfolio” of alkalizing meals until you have 10 meals that you and your family love to eat.

Look over the list of alkalizing foods, and take note of which foods that you and your family already enjoy. Then try to find more recipes that incorporate those tastes and textures. This will be much easier and enjoyable for your family to adapt to if you start off with foods they already like, than all of a sudden introducing tofu, kale and dandelion root.

One of the first recipes you should try is an alkalizing broth. There are many variations but basically the broth is made from alkalizing vegetables and distilled water. The broth has a lot of necessary minerals and can help restore pH balance to your body. It promotes internal cleansing of all of the tissues and organs of the body. This broth can be used as a basis for more complex soups, or it can be served as a first course before any meal.

Many fans of the pH miracle diet rely on juices to help cleanse their bodies of excess acidity. There are many popular juice recipes and they would be a good addition to your new way of eating. The juices can be consumed as a quick breakfast or a snack sometime throughout the day. Most can be made in a blender, so you don’t need a fancy juicer.

If you have children at home, you may be worried about finding recipes that they will love. There are many children’s vegetarian cookbooks that can be adapted for the alkaline diet by substituting certain vegetables. A lot of tasty fruits like apples, raspberries and strawberries are on the alkaline list. Sweet potatoes, which are a favorite of many children once they try them, are highly alkalizing foods and are good for the winter months. In the summer time, celery and other fresh veggies are a great snack and can be dipped in homemade hummus or a dip made from mayonnaise and lemon juice.

With a little practice and research, making alkalizing meals will become second nature to you and your family.


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Alcohol addiction and recovery review

Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Review

There is a big difference when defining alcohol addiction from the modern social drinking. Basically, social drinking is often defined as the moderate intake of alcohol that usually happens during social gatherings or occasions like birthdays, weddings, reunions, etc.

While alcohol addiction is somewhat included in a person’s lifestyle. Once attached to the lifestyle, it can’t be concluded because of the addicted body’s yearning for the drink. Alcohol addiction and recovery for people are involved only if they go into rigorous work to finally avoid the bad habit.

Alcoholism is a specific term for someone who is very much addicted or dependent on alcohol. The moment alcohol enters the picture and is difficult to dissolve in a person’s way of living; it becomes a major problem that has destroyed a lot of relationships, career, and life.

Oftentimes, alcoholism brings a person into serious trouble like being caught in fights or drunk driving which can be fatal.

Tolerance is the time when the body craves for the presence of alcohol. Without help, a person can suffer deep consequences and end up getting rehabilitated. A lot of famous people have histories of alcoholism because they can afford such vice.

When alcohol is taken away, the addicted person will convey certain signs and symptoms that are often associated with withdrawal syndrome such as anxiety, nausea and shakiness. If the withdrawal is not handled, it can lead to severe cases of hallucinations, seizures and death.

When does alcoholism occur? Alcoholism occurs when a person takes as much as he or she can handle. Normally, alcohol is taken only for a glass or two. But in the case of alcoholism, if a person drinks more than three to four bottles of alcohol a day, everyday, it can be concluded as a sign of alcoholism.

Effects on behavior

Subtle changes can be determined during earlier stages of addiction which manifests inconsistency in a person’s behavior. Alcohol affects the person through the way he or she handles a specific situation. It seems as though there’s no right decision and issues are brought up because of the triggering effects of alcohol in the body.

Signs of alcohol addiction

1. Frequency. If a person keeps on making certain excuses just to get his or her way to drink even a glass of alcohol, this can be a start. Note how many times that person drinks alcohol.

2. Solitude. It can be for past time or for primitive reasons, but if the person wanted to be alone and keep himself isolated in one place to drink he may be at the mercy of addiction.

3. Hostility. Oftentimes, a person who doesn’t want to be asked uneasy questions can become hostile. In the case of alcoholism, for example, when a husband is asked by his wife if he had been consuming alcohol again, and the husband answers indifferently and aggressively, it can only be stated that he is into alcoholism.

4. Exhibiting odd behavior. These behaviors can be associated with tolerance to alcohol, uncontrolled drinking, craving for more, depression, violence, decreased ability to solve even the easiest of problems.

There is a solution

Because alcoholism is not healthy at all, it can be prevented and resolved with proper maintenance and time. Interventions can be focused on counseling with the help of the closest people and the addicted person can also undergo treatment programs that can completely rehabilitate him from alcohol. Addiction and recovery of alcoholism is prominent in today’s society.

Mastering debt negotiation for consolidation

Turning to debt negotiation is a great consolidation alternative when your monthly expenses have gotten out of control. This is a process recommended for individuals who have fallen behind on their payments because they just don’t have enough income on a monthly basis to cover them all. This is one smart way for you to lower your monthly payments, yet still accept responsibility for the debt you have accumulated. Debt negotiation generally involves working with a for-profit or a non-profit organization. They will sit down with you to evaluate your debt situation, bad credit or good credit does not matter. You will be required to bring in current statements for all of your monthly bills as well as your monthly income.

A employee of a debt negotiation company will go over the information with you. They have negotiations already in place with the various lending institutions available, especially credit card companies. This means they will negotiate with the lender a lower interest rate for you. This will reduce the amount you will have to repay over the term of the debt. You will have a monthly payment to make to the debt negotiation company rather than paying each creditor on a monthly basis. They will then allocate the agreed upon amount to each creditor. You will continue to get a monthly statement from each creditor. Make sure the statement reflects the amount of payment your debt negotiation states they will be getting.

It is very important that you work with a qualified debt negotiation agency with a solid track record. Take the time to research their background. Find out how long they have been in business. You should also check their status with the Better Business Bureau. This is a great way to find out about consumer complaints against a particular debt negotiation agency and their dealing with satisfied and dissatisfied consumers.

While debt negotiation is a great way to be responsible for your debt, keep in mind your credit score will be affected. It will be lower as long as you remain on the debt negotiation plan. In most cases, your credit score will be better than if you had continued being late and missing payments like you were before. Creditors will have to show your account as paid in full once the negotiated amount has been paid. It is very important that you review your credit report to make sure this has been done.

Potty training dealing with constipation

Some children don’t like having bowel movements, perhaps because they have felt pain before, and now resist going. This resistance can cause constipation as the faeces become hard and compacted, making bowel movements even more painful.

Here are some questions you can ask to determine whether your child is constipated or not.

• have they had a bowel movement in the past few days?

• have they had less than their normal amount of bowel movements this week?

• were their stools hard and dry?

• was it painful for them to pass?

• do they have stomach cramps or a distended stomach?

• are they complaining of being nauseous?

• are they losing weight?

• have they been vomiting for no apparent reason?

• are their underpants regularly soiled with claylike or liquid faeces?

If you have answered yes to several of the above then you’ll know you need to take action and help your child. You can’t make your child have a bowel movement so what can you do?

Get your child to drink more fluids, preferably water.

• If they are severely constipated and over nine months of age then some prune juice mixed with water should sort them out overnight.

• Make sure their diet is high in fibre – try giving them some dried fruit or grapes and reduce the amount of dairy they have.

• Reduce their sugar intake

• Licorice can have a laxative effect and is a better option than medication which should only be given with your physician’s approval.

• Make sure they are getting enough exercise – it may be reflection of a sluggish metabolism.

• Encourage them to go as soon as they feel the need.

• If they just don’t like it then talk about the importance of having regular bowel movements and how everyone does it.

• Encourage your child to sit on the potty for ten minutes an hour or so after each meal to see if you can encourage some regularity.

• Make sure your child can rest their feet on a stool or the floor so that they feel stable and balanced and can easily push.

• Try to make having a bowel movement more pleasant for your child by encouraging them to read a book or listen to music while they sit.

If the constipation doesn’t go away then it is best to see your family doctor for advice as it may be indicative of something more serious.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Luxé wristwatches of excellence

Luxury Watches: Horology is defined as the science of measuring time and the art of making instruments to measure time. So, makes perfect sense that people skilled in the practice or theory of horology are called horologists. Folk interested in owning the finest timepieces made are defined as our refined luxury-loving readers.

Whether the love of great watches stems from the perspective of a collector or a lover of jewelry, there are various upscale sources from which to select.

Many vaulted manufacturers of wristwatches are with histories preceding the 18th century. However, there are relatively new firms. But they too are steep with experience, as one does not ascend to being a master watchmaker overnight. There are various limited-edition wristwatches available meriting a look-see. Here is a dozen of the best we have encountered over the past year. As our list expands, we will update our findings and report those to you on a timely basis.

The Presence of Richard Mille

Richard Mille has wonderful gift solutions when the plan involves buying for two. For the couple inextricably linked, Richard Mille offers limited-edition wristwatches of extraordinary quality for both sexes that are appreciatively masculine and feminine, respectively. Let's add a femme twist to chivalry and begin with the men's item.

Ebel Rings the Bell

Most women don't want to be associated in any way with a whale...unless they're eating caviar or wearing an Ebel watch. The Beluga line represents, ironically, a graceful and uncompromising interpretation of seductive elegance.

The Reign of Blancpain Marches On

Blancpain has produced haute timepieces for men and women since 1735. Yearly the prominent Switzerland-based watch manufacturer puts up a one-off wristwatch for auction to benefit the Monaco Association of Muscular Dystrophy (Association Monegasque contre la Myopathie) during the Monaco Yacht Show. This year's selected timepiece for the Only One auction was Le Brassus. Its suggested retail price is $135,000. The results of the auction have not yet been officially announced.

Roger Dubuis, Indeed

There is luxury and then there is luxury-luxury. Generally, when something comes our way that is viewed as an upper-echelon item, we report it to our luxury-loving readers and that's that. Weekly we write about vehicles that cost up to and over $1 million and single-family residences costing over $100 million. So, sticker shock rarely affects anyone here. However, these wristwatches by Roger Dubuis, priced as high as $250,000, definitely piqued our attention.

Our Boy, Maurice Lacroix

You may think astrology is a bunch of nonsense or you may not leave the house until you've consulted with your personal astrologist. Either way, we predict that owning a Lune Retrograde watch by Maurice Lacroix is a great way to make the right impression. After all, the watch you wear is as telling as how much you leave for a tip.

The Racy Parmigiani Fleurier's Bugatti Type 370

Parmigiani Fleurier's Bugatti Type 370 wristwatch draws from the automotive world for its innovative craftsmanship and intricate design. At first glance, it strongly resembles an engine block strapped onto a wrist. Albeit its unique look alone is quite captivating, it is what is under its hood that is setting off the alarms of haute horologists worldwide. Until now wristwatches were built on a vertical axis. This is the first wristwatch ever to be built on a horizontal axis. Its revolutionary transversal movement is set over five separate plates.

Role of the Rolex

Acceptation that Rolex is more than an elite maker of timepieces is commonplace. Its nomenclature is oft used as a synonym to describe excellence, brilliance, first-rate, superiority, distinction, or quality. Suffice it to say that most luxury, upscale horologists would welcome comparisons. Rolex wears the diadem of the industry with panache and ornate gracefulness.

The Majestic Carl F. Bucherer

Recently, we touted Carl F. Bucherer's single-copy Queen's Watch as a splashy testimony to his firm's exquisite craftsmanship and outrageously divine opulence. However, being the fair-minded purveyor of luxury living we are at Luxe, we deemed it appropriate to also bare Carl F. Bucherer's masculine side with the Patravi collection. Because, after all, kings have needs too. And the Patravi Chronograph GMT series addresses those needs royally.

The Watch Workshop of Speake-Marin

Peter Speake-Marin, the founder of The Watch Workshop, is an extraordinary horologist who produces collectible, limited-edition Swiss-manufactured wristwatches that fit into the modern - and classical era of timepieces perfunctorily. Aside from the entire collection's subtly classy appearance and meticulous tooling, there is a loftiness of elevated self-worth to its wearers that is as desirable as these watches are attainable. It is a limited feeling reserved only for collectors of Speake-Marin's omnipotent jeweled masterpieces.

Elegance for All by Zenith Swiss Watch

Baby Star Open Love is the latest addition to the Star collection for the ladies. With its case reduced to 32mm, it is smaller than preceding Stars but equally eloquent displaying the new Elite 68 automatic movement. The boys get the Class collection to add to their assemblage of horologes. For the man in search of discreet luxury, its simple design coupled with unchallengeable precision makes this latest release an instant classic.

Classic Gevril

Perhaps Father Time's real name is Jacques Gevril, the founder of the Gevril Swiss Timepiece Company. Mr. Gevril, a pioneer of Swiss horology, began his career in the mid-1700s. He is the inventor of the repetition dial and the first exporter of Swiss watches. In 1758 Mr. Gevril was commissioned to make a timepiece for the king of Spain. The king was so impressed byGevril's craftsmanship that he appointed Jacques the watchmaker to the crown. Nearly 250 years later, the timepiece company earnestly retains its noble status under the watchful eye of owner Samuel Friedmann. Today Gevril watches remain a natural fit with society's modern-day royalty, adorning the wrists of prominent personalities worldwide.

Body language speaks louder than words

Has it ever occurred to you how much you are saying to people even when you are not speaking? Unless you are a master of disguise, you are constantly sending messages about your true thoughts and feelings whether you are using words or not.

Studies show that your words account for only 7% of the messages you convey. The remaining 93% is non-verbal. 55% of communication is based on what people see and the other 38% is transmitted through tone of voice. So think about it. In the business setting, people can see what you are not saying. If your body language doesn't match your words, you are wasting your time.

Eye contact is the most obvious way you communicate. When you are looking at the other person, you show interest. When you fail to make eye contact, you give the impression that the other person is of no importance. Maintain eye contact about 60% of the time in order to look interested, but not aggressive.

Facial expression is another form of non-verbal communication. A smile sends a positive message and is appropriate in all but a life and death situation. Smiling adds warmth and an aura of confidence. Others will be more receptive if you remember to check your expression.

Your mouth gives clues, too, and not just when you are speaking. Mouth movements, such as pursing your lips or twisting them to one side, can indicate that you are thinking about what you are hearing or that you are holding something back.

The position of your head speaks to people. Keeping your head straight, which is not the same as keeping your head on straight, will make you appear self-assured and authoritative. People will take you seriously. Tilt your head to one side if you want to come across as friendly and open.

How receptive you are is suggested by where you place your arms. Arms crossed or folded over your chest say that you have shut other people out and have no interest in them or what they are saying. This position can also say, "I don't agree with you." You might just be cold, but unless you shiver at the same time, the person in front of you may get the wrong message.

How you use your arms can help or hurt your image as well. Waving them about may show enthusiasm to some, but others see this gesture as one of uncertainty and immaturity. The best place for your arms is by your side. You will look confident and relaxed. If this is hard for you, do what you always do when you want to get better at something - practice. After a while, it will feel natural.

The angle of your body gives an indication to others about what's going through your head. Leaning in says, "Tell me more." Leaning away signals you've heard enough. Adding a nod of your head is another way to affirm that you are listening.

Posture is just as important as your grandmother always said it was. Sit or stand erect if you want to be seen as alert and enthusiastic. When you slump in your chair or lean on the wall, you look tired. No one wants to do business with someone who has no energy.

Control your hands by paying attention to where they are. In the business world, particularly when you deal with people from other cultures, your hands need to be seen. That would mean you should keep them out of your pockets and you should resist the urge to put them under the table or behind your back. Having your hands anywhere above the neck, fidgeting with your hair or rubbing your face, is unprofessional.

Legs talk, too. A lot of movement indicates nervousness. How and where you cross them tells others how you feel. The preferred positions for the polished professional are feet flat on the floor or legs crossed at the ankles. The least professional and most offensive position is resting one leg or ankle on top of your other knee. Some people call this the "Figure Four." It can make you look arrogant.

The distance you keep from others is crucial if you want to establish good rapport. Standing too close or "in someone's face" will mark you as pushy. Positioning yourself too far away will make you seem standoffish. Neither is what you want so find the happy medium. Most importantly, do what makes the other person feel comfortable. If the person with whom you are speaking keeps backing away from you, stop. Either that person needs space or you need a breath mint.

You may not be aware of what you are saying with your body, but others will get the message. Make sure it's the one you want to send.

(c) 2004, Lydia Ramsey. All rights in all media reserved.

Games are a reflection of behavior as told by john satta

You are standing on a small stage yelling, “What's the name of the game?!”

“Win as much as you can!!!” comes roaring back.

“Who's responsible for your score?!”

“I am!!”

The audience is composed of ninety men, all prisoners in a federal maximum security prison.

One more thing - you're a woman.

For three years, Alicia volunteered every Thursday at FCI (Federal Correctional Institute) in Bastrop, Texas-

“I used my skills as a corporate trainer to help these men learn to shift their perspective on themselves and the world.”

“Along the way the prisoners taught me as much, perhaps more, than I taught them.”

“In my training business, I use games as a way to break down barriers and shift perceptions. What I came to realize is that your behavior in a game is an exaggerated reflection of your behavior in real life.”

Games are an opening to behave true to our natures, to react immediately rather than with a careful response. Depending on the other players, we may monitor our behavior less in a game than in the real world, but we aren't acting differently. In a game there are no emotional holds barred.

In a game, we are allowed to be more right brained than logical. After all, “It's only a game.”

Saying something is only a game tends to trivialize its importance. Precisely because we view it as trivial, and of no importance, we can give ourselves permission to let our true natures out.

When we floated this idea before a number of colleagues, several of them told us stories of self-discovery. One woman, a very sweet and kind person in “real life”, was known as “the enforcer” when she played hockey in school. Another shared that, when she plays a game against total strangers she becomes “brutal” and highly competitive.

So if our true nature comes out in a game, what can we do with that information?

Can we transform situations so that we can be true to our nature? Can we make a game out of real world situations to allow our true nature to flourish? The obvious example is to view business as a game to be won. This implies competition and a winner take all attitude.

Yet Covey and others have told us about creating win-win situations. Is there such a thing as a win-win game - a game where everyone wins, where no one loses? Can you devise a game where you can put your competitive streak toward a larger goal? Can the proverbial pie be made larger? As someone said to me, to transform from “me winning” to “we winning”.

What's the name of the game? Win as much as you can!

Who's responsible for your score? I am!

The game Alicia played with the inmates was called “the handshake game”. She had them pair up by size, height and weight and explained the rules. “We'll play the game for 45 seconds. You get one point when your hand taps his hip; he gets one point when his hand taps your hip.”

The vast majority of the pairs had a combined score of 0 points. A few pairs scored in the 10 - 20 point range.

But one pair scored 260 points.

The high scorers had realized that the name of the game and scoring responsibility did not define a win-lose (or “zero-sum”) game. That is, one person did not win at the expense of the other.

Of course, the entire thing was a set-up. Alicia paired them up by size, height and weight to set the expectation that it was an evenly matched contest. She got them chanting to get their excitement up.

And she neglected to tell them that the pair was a team and the team members' scores would be combined.

“Deliberately I didn't tell them they were supposed to cooperate with their partner. I also never told them who the competitors were.”

We all know that a “formal” team must cooperate to win. The revelation here was that by cooperating they could maximize their individual scores.

What's the name of the game? Win as much as you can!

Who's responsible for your score? I am!

The rules say nothing about preventing the other person from getting a high score. The pair who “got it” quickly settled into a rhythm of “one for you and one for me”. And they could have kept that up for as long as the game ran. Meanwhile, the other teams were struggling and would have exhausted themselves long before the winners did. And, when the few teams who did spot the pair who “got it” there were charges of “cheating” leveled at them. “We saw what they were doing but thought they were cheating or didn't understand the rules.”

The cooperation - competition confusion is nicely summed up in the concept called “the prisoners' dilemma”. Two people are arrested for a crime and there is enough evidence to put them both in jail for 1 year.

The police keep them isolated from each other and offer each the same deal: “If one of you talks and the other does not, the snitch goes free and the other one gets 3 years. If you both talk, you both get 2 years.”

The partners can work together (by staying silent) and both get only a year in jail. By both defecting from the partnership to work with the police they will both get 2 years.

A single defector will go free while the one who cooperated gets 3 years.

The dilemma is formed by pitting trust against greed. The temptation of greed combined with a habit of competition blinds us to a different perspective.

But don't think that only prisoners are subject to this. When Alicia has had groups of corporate executives play this game, they fall into the same behavior pattern as the prisoners. In fact, in some corporate sessions nobody “gets it”.

There seems to be a dichotomy between competing and winning. The idea of cooperating to win seems odd. In fact, we see other players complain that the ones who “get it” are cheating!

What you do depends on your view of the game. If the game is seen as a one-time event, why not be brutal - there will be no consequences. But if this event is one in a series, then cooperation is clearly the better long-term strategy, if only because there will be a chance for the other to get even.

In studies of prisoners' dilemma style games (played for points and not reduced jail time) the players eventually settle into a strategy dubbed “tit for tat”. Their actions are saying, “If you cooperate last time, I'll cooperate next time. If you defected last time, I'll defect next time.”

Using the word “defect” helps us see the shift - the opposite of cooperating (working on the same side) is defecting to the other side.

The desire to compete and the desire to win are not the same.

Game terminology (strategies, tactics, moves, etc.) is often applied to “serious” parts of life. Because the word game has a connotation of triviality, we sometimes bristle at its use to describe the things that mean the most to us.

What if we kept in mind that 'it's all a game' - would we behave differently?

Philosopher James P. Carse writes in the first chapter of Finite and Infinite Games, “There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, and infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.”

The book's subtitle is “A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility.” His premise is that a game is about the relationship between the player.

In the book he characterizes two types of players. Finite players play within the rules, infinite players play with the rules. Finite players play to end the game (with their victory), infinite players play to continue the game (by whatever means they see fit). Finite players play to win, infinite players play to keep playing.

The players who “get it” are playing with the rules looking to transform a finite game into an infinite one.

If this article has intrigued you we encourage you to look at the various “games” that you are “playing” and with whom. Who are your “teammates” and what kind of game are you playing? With increased awareness of our behavior, and the behavior of others, we are able to create a “win as much as WE can” mentality.

© Copyright 2004 Alicia Smith Consulting & Training. All Rights Reserved.

College football picks explained

Picking college football games has become more and more popular in recent years. The process of picking the games happens in a number of forums in a number of places every year during the fall season of college football. Understanding what the situations are and why picking college football games are enjoyable to some makes the whole industry more understandable. Here, college football picks are explained in the context of several situations.

The Spread

To have college football picks explained properly, you need to first understand point spreads. The point spread is how sports books encourage betting on both sides of any game. A number is assigned to a team in the game. That number is how many points the book believes that team would need to have added to their score for you, the better, to believe they might win the game. For instance, if Indiana is playing Northwestern, the book may say the line is Indiana plus 3. That means, if you bet on Indiana and they win or lose by less than three, you win the bet. The spread is part of what makes picking college football games difficult and exciting.

The Office Pool

College football picks explained in the context of the office pool, or any pool for that matter, make it easier to understand. In a pool, money is collected from a number of individuals and held centrally. The money is then paid out to the winner, and sometimes paid to second, third, etc. places in the competition as well. In a pool, the participants would compete by picking college football games every week. In many pools, the games are picked using the point spread (see above). This makes the selections more challenging and thus the money harder to win.

Straight Gambling

College football picks explained to one may also be mentioned in connection with actual gambling with a sports book. Some people who enjoy gambling like to use sports books to bet on their favorite college football picks. That is because they at least feel like they have some knowledge of what is going on and have a fighting chance. Unlike casino games, there is little about football gambling you don’t control except for the lines. That false sense of control is what makes picking college football games as a way of gambling incredibly popular.

That, in a nutshell, is college football picks explained. You will find that no matter where you go, there are people picking college football games for a number of reasons. By learning what the betting lines and point spreads are, you have a better idea of how the process works. Additionally, by understanding how a pool works and how much many people enjoy straight up gambling on college football picks you can see what the appeal is in picking the games. Though it may not be your cup of tea, you will find that there area thousands of people out there who pick college football games every week for one reason or another.

Men s work pants by dickies get more for your money

There are few concepts as professional and hearty as choosing men’s work pants by Dickies for your work wear needs. There are so many options you will find that there is something for the choosiest of individuals. You get to choose what works best for your work wear because, after all, your opinion is what matters in the long run.

Men’s work pants by Dickies is one of the most popular categories offered by this work wear designer with a history and reputation for providing excellence and affordability.

What are some of your options? Take a look at this! You will not soon be disappointed by these awesome designs and choices.

Tradition cotton pleated front pants are the ideal solution for the man looking for trousers that provide a professional yet elegant look to the workday – or night. The cotton makes these wonderful trousers easy to care for, and so much easy to wear. When you hear about high quality work wear, these are the types of trousers most often thought of first. Simplistic elegance that gets the job done: nothing could be easier!

Of course, no mention of men’s work pants by Dickies would be complete without mentioning the many styles and types of cargo pants. Cargo pants are extremely popular, and when you add the name Dickies, you get even more for your hard earned dollar. The additional functionality of these cargo pants are all thanks to the spacious pockets, and more people appreciate the benefits of those added pockets.

Not too unlike cargo pants, the EMT trousers have a lot of spacious pockets adding to the versatility and functionality of these ever-popular Dickies work wear. The only noticeable difference is that you get even more pockets, but those pockets are also specifically shaped to carry many of the tools EMT or EMS would carry on hand. In addition, many of the pockets have secure closures ranging form a simple button to complex zippers.

An all time favorite of many men are the flannel lines work wear. If you want men’s work pants by Dickies, these flannel lines trousers are absolutely amazing. These have warmth, comfort, affordability, and oodles of style! These go great with any top or shirt, and the flannel lined trousers can be slightly upturned for a sassy and playful look. These are so nice you may find you not only where them to work.

Dickies is so popular because it goes the extra mile. Whether you need reinforced knees or reinforced waistbands in your trousers or work wear, you will find this is a company that offers you more of what you need without a lot of what you do not need.

Innovation. Excellence. Affordability.

When you demand more there is someone who cares about you and your workday with each pair of trousers or jeans you put on. Nothing offers so much more for so much less. Because at the end of the day, you need to know you can depend on your work wear to pull you through. There are companies out there that know how to pull you through with reliability and professionalism.

Stress management ideas

Are you somebody who always seems to be under stress? Do you worry most of the time and feel that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders? For the first twenty-two years of my life, I was constantly down and depressed and used to feel very sorry for myself. This article describes how I managed to break free of this depression to have a fairly stress-free life.

Growing up I felt rather hard done by, that life had not dealt me a good hand of cards. These were the reasons I felt sorry for myself:

I had a speech impediment, known as a stutter

I have a bald patch on my head the size of a ten pence piece

Due to comfort eating, I was overweight

I am quite short for a male at five foot four

Some of the above you may think are quite trivial issues, however for me especially as a teenager they caused me a lot of stress.

Stuttering was the major thorn in my side causing me many problems and traumas. I suffered with this speech impediment for eighteen years before finally managing to beat the problem. I now help other people to achieve fluency.

At the age of twenty-two I started to read a lot of books about positive thinking and also started to take more of an interest in world affairs. This gave me a huge wake up call as it made me realise that I was actually dealt a very good set of cards. There are not many countries I would rather have been born in, the things above that I felt were so terrible are in fact very trivial compared to people who live in parts of Africa, as an example.

I had stressed so much that by the age of twenty-one my hair had already started to turn grey. A colleague at work was also to have a huge affect on my life without him even knowing it. He was a man (I will call him Peter) who had many of his own issues. Peter had learning difficulties, had what I call the shakes, did not have many friends and did not have a girlfriend in the six years that I knew him. I would meet Peter for lunch on most days and he would always have a beaming smile on his face. One day I thought to myself, what have you got to smile about? I then decided that if he could smile then so could I.

I now am very happy with who I am, and if people do not like me, I don't care. Life is so much easier now!


Sugar Gliders as Pets: A Big Yes!

Sugar gliders make great pets. Not only are the exotic-making them the envy of other pet owners - they are also very social. Sugar gliders are known to bond very well with their owners, and you will very often find the sugar gliders comfortably squeezed in an owners pocket or bonding pouch.

But what are these sugar glitters anyway, and why do they make great pets. Here are a few facts on the sugar glider that should turn the few heads towards their way.

The sugar glider: cute, exotic, friendly

Sugar gliders are marsupials. When they are born, they stay in the pouch of their mothers since they are still very immature and unready to go out on their own. They have pantagium, or a membrane that stretches from their ankles up to their wrists. This acts as their gliders, helping them swoop from tree branch to tree branch.

These pantagium, are furry and flexible, allowing the sugar glider movement like normal marsupials. Also they have opposing thumbs which they use to grab on to trunks and branches. Their other fingers are used for grooming.

Sugar gliders are found in Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. In all, they measure 12 inches from head to tail. Their bodies measures 6 inches, while their tails measure another 6 inches. They only weigh about 5 ounces, or 150 g. In captivity, they can live from 10 years to 15 years depending on how they are cared for.

They are nocturnal, so you'll find them sleeping throughout the day. If you carry them along with you often, they will be snug and comfortable in your pocket.

Sugar gliders are very social animals. So you always have to give them constant attention, and groom them often. If you aren't able to take care of them constantly, you may want to consider bringing in another sugar glider to keep them company. However, it is hard to introduce adult sugar gliders, so it is better if you purchase them in pairs.

You can, however, keep them single just as long as you give them constant attention. Make sure that if you do purchase them in pairs, you keep them of the same-sex or they could procreate uncontrollably. You could also give them partners that are of different sexes, just as long as they are neutered.

As mentioned earlier, sugar gliders make great pets because they bond closely with their owners. They are very loyal and will stick with you as often as possible.

Are you flying and preparing for your next flight

Are you planning on taking a family vacation this year or a business trip? If so, there is a good chance that you will be flying. Flying is a relatively safe, easy, and convenient way to travel. However, before you leave for the airport, you are advised to start preparing for your flight, well in advance. Unfortunately, many travelers do not realize that preparing for your flight does not just include packing your bags. Thanks to new air travel rules and the enforcement of them, preparation now includes more than you could ever imagine.

As previously mentioned, it best that you start preparing for your cheap flights early. In fact, you should start preparing as soon as you buy your airline tickets, whether that be two weeks before you leave or two months. The first step that you will want take is to familiarize yourself with the airline that you are flying with and the airport which you will be flying out of. You can easily do this research online. You will want to determine how early you should leave for the airport and what items you will need to bring along with you, such as personal identification.

It is also a good idea to review the list of banned items. These are items that you are not allowed to have on the airplane or past certain points in most airports. The most commonly banned items include sharp objects and flammable items, but there other items included in these bans, items that you may have never even thought about before. That is why it is best that you learn what you can and cannot bring on your next family vacation or business trip. In the event that you try to bring along items that are prohibited, you may have them confiscated.

If you are planning on familiarizing yourself with banned items and other airline rules, it may be a good idea to print off a list of what you find. Printable lists of items that are banned in airports and on airplanes can be found online from a number of different websites. One of those websites includes the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). A printable list is ideal, especially if you do not need to start packing for your trip right away.

After you have familiarized yourself with the air travel rules, including the ones that were recently implemented, you will need to start packing, whether you do so right away or not. When packing, you will want to remember everything that you learned, although, if you printed off a list, your packing will be much easier. In the event that you are not sure whether or not an item can be brought on an airplane, you are advised to leave it at home. Banned items can not only be confiscated, but they could cause you to miss your cheap flight. That is why you are advised against taking any unnecessary chances.

Once your bags have been packed and all your travel plans are in order, you will need to head to the airport. It is advised that you arrive at the airport, at least, two hours in advance. It is important that you check with your airport, because some airports have different restrictions. Depending on the size of your airport or the number of cheap flights going in and out, you may find that you need to arrive three or even four hours in advance. It is also important to make sure that you not only have your plane tickets with you, but the proper forms of identification.

Once at the airport, it is important that you remain calm at all times, even if you are approached by airport security. In today’s world, it is not uncommon for you to be subject to a random bag check or search; therefore, you should not fret if you are asked. Instead, just remain calm and, in no time at all, you should be on your way to enjoying your vacation or your business trip.

Knife sharpening finishing and grinding

What type of finish you want on your knife is an important decision in the process of purchasing your next knife, or possibly your first knife. There are a variety of finishes available with each creating a different look for the finished product. Here are a few things to consider when choosing the finish on and purchasing your knife, including the variety of finishes available, knife sharpening and grinding in maintaining a quality and effective knife.

A stonewash finish on your knife will present a more antique look, with some abrasive patterns, and appearing like it has been used from the first day. A benefit is that it will look the same for quite a while since the abrasive finish will cover the dull parts of the blade. If you want a more polished look, you should consider a scotch bright finish which resembles a more modern, clean and satin appearance.

The finish of a jeweled metal knife is more of a cosmetic feature to the knife and has little to do with its quality or ability. The finish is usually done from the inside, resulting in a beauty to the outside of the knife. A file work finish has an imprint on the knife handle or lock bar placed by the designer or manufacturer, and usually promotes the company’s name.

Similar to stonewash finishing, vibed finishing reflects a slightly worn look with some small abrasions, though usually smaller than those found on the stonewash finish. On the contrary, a polished finish will provide a beautiful shine and is best if the knife is more for show than use.

None of the finishes below will affect the ability or effectiveness of the knife, but simply provide a better looking knife that suits your style. Many types of blade finishes are available that can help avoid unnecessary scratches, discolorations or other markings. Check with your retailer to discuss the blade finishes available to you. View this as purchasing new paint or carpet for your house. It may not lead to much of an increased value, but it will result in a more livable and enjoyable room.

However, what will affect the ability of your knife is grinding. This is an important step in keeping the blade sharp, since as the knife is used the blade will gradually become dull. You can, of course, take the knife to a professional for grinding or sharpen the knife yourself. You may want to consider taking a class focusing on knife grinding specifically or a generally class on caring for your knife. Some classes even teach you to make your own knife. Despite the method you choose, though, remember that grinding is an important step in caring for your knife and keeping the blade sharp.

Refresh your writing with these quick tips

Articles need to be creative. Whereas creativity is second nature to some people, it tends to be blocked, at least sometimes, with others.

For example, you may want your words to stimulate imagery for the reader. Yet there is an artistic aspect to the process, and if your mind isn't in a creative mode, it may be difficult to write.

But fear not! There are things you can do to help the ideas along... although there are no guarantees. These methods can help get you into the right frame of mind for writing interesting articles using creativity:

1) Create the right atmosphere: Whether you like soft, classical music playing in the background or want to burn incense and listen to chanting, do whatever you need to make yourself comfortable. Music is a great way to set a pace for you to work along to.

Some people like to sip a mug of frosty root beer to get their imagination going, others simply take time away from the family and children to sit in their office and think in peace and quiet.

2) Stay relaxed and pause to make a plan: Breathe and take time to sort things out. An overactive, mixed-up mind won't have room for inspiration and clearing your thoughts first will enable creative juices to flow. If something is causing you to feel stressed, deal with that before trying to write articles.

3) Always write in a diary so anytime you do have an idea you can write it straight down immediately. Don’t worry about what is initiating the thoughts because ideas can come from anywhere: It is how you develop them individually that will be your own.

4) Make an inspiring work space: There is nothing worse than trying to write in a space that is cluttered or stressful to you. Set up an area that will be relaxing so you can focus on nothing else accept being creative.

Place objects around your work space that you love to see, smell or whatever else may inspire you to write. Make sure your space is uncluttered and tidy so you can work without worries about things you have to do or the time.

5) Have fun and do something wild and spontaneous to stimulate adrenalin production. In this heightened state, creativity will peak and your imagination will run free. Go away for a while or just do something completely different to your everyday schedule, and you will be surprised at the ideas that come to you.

Psst! Remember to keep your diary or journal with you at all times so when you are inspired, you won't forget your ideas.


Overlooking Newport Beach

Throughout the vast state of California, Newport Beach

remains one of the most overlooked cities. The city

of Newport Beach is actually a very charming island,

with great beaches and a peninsula. With all of it's

charms, it remains overlooked by tourists and those

looking for an ideal vacation spot.

Lying cradled within the Balboa Peninsula, the seven

islands that make up Newport Beach happen to have some

of the most expensive real estate in California. Many

of the homes here are 1.5 million and up! When you

consider that many are surrounded by small yacht harbors

and a peaceful yet tranquil environment, you know the

price of the homes are more than well worth it.

If you live in California, you can find Newport Beach just

off Pacific Coast Highway in beautiful Orange County. Simply

take CA 55 south from I-5 to Newport Blvd. Or, you can

also take CA 1 at Newport Blvd. After a short travel, the

Newport Blvd. will turn into Balboa Blvd. and eventually

take you down the middle of the island.

Whether you live in California or just outside of it,

Newport Beach is one place you should visit. Once you

visit this overlooked treasure, you'll probably find yourself

wondering why you didn't visit sooner. Take our word

for it - Newport Beach is simply "that good".

(word count 223)


Why buy an reo

An REO is real estate owned by the bank, and many investors consider an REO property to be money just waiting to happen. An REO is different from a foreclosure property in that the bank has already tried to sell it at a foreclosure auction and has had no luck getting bids. Because the property was not bid on, the bank then became the owner of the property. Naturally, the bank does not want to keep the REO any longer than possible, and this makes it a great opportunity for an investor. Not every REO is a good deal, but when you look at an REO you’ll commonly find that there is a lot of money to be made.

So, is this a foreclosure?

Technically speaking, the home was foreclosed on because the owner of the home failed to make their scheduled payments. The bank set up and went through a public auction, but there was not any bids placed on the home, so the bank ended up owing the property. Yes, the home was foreclosed on, but it is well past the foreclosure process and the bank will be anxious to get rid of the property.

Advantages of REO vs. Foreclosed Property

When you are thinking of buying an REO you have to distinct advantages that a buyer does not have with a foreclosed property. The first is that you are able to buy on your schedule, as you do not have an auction date to work with and around. You can make an offer of the home any time; you don’t have to wait for bidding to begin. Another big advantage of an REO compared to a foreclosed property is that you can inspect it before you buy, when you cannot do this with the majority of foreclosed homes that you think about purchasing. Being able to inspect the property before you buy will let you know how big of a project you will be dealing with.

Best types of REO to purchase

You might not think the type of loan the home was purchased with the first time around matters but it does. You should attempt to purchase REO’s that had a conventional loan the first time around, as you will likely get much better deals with these than you will if you look at FHA and VA loans. The federal government backs FHA and VA loans, and the government can actually buy them back if they are so inclined. Homes that had conventional loans the first time are often purchased for just a fraction of their value, meaning that they can make an investor a lot more money.

Which REO’s you should not purchase

Just because the bank owns a property does not make it a good deal. In fact, when you see that a home or property is an REO you have to wonder exactly what IS wrong with it. The house was not bid on because no one saw the worth in it. Did the home just not have enough equity? Were their IRS liens against it? Was the property just too badly damaged? You need to ask these questions. If the bank cannot answer the questions then you need to be even more skeptical. Take advantage of your right to inspect the REO so that you can see with your own eyes what may or may not be wrong, hire professionals if necessary as well.

One must also be sure that if they are purchasing an REO to fix it up and sell it, that the property is located in a desirable part of town. If the home is not located in a desirable part of town, you should really think about how wise of an investment the property may be. Perhaps location is why the property was not bid on at auction. There are three big things to consider when dealing with any type of real estate and those are location, location, location. Never let a seemingly good deal let you lose sight of how important location is for any piece of real estate that you intend to sell.

Why the bank will sell an REO cheap

Basically, a bank is not set up to deal with real estate. Sure, they give loans to people, but really, they are not equipped to buy and sell real estate. Because banks are not accustomed to dealing with real estate, it often takes them awhile to get the ball rolling so that they can repair the property, and get an agent to sell the property. What this means is that while the bank attempts to get their business together they are losing money hand over fist and the federal government often penalizes them for each and every REO that they acquire.

Because the bank is loosing so much money on each REO, they are willing to sell it fast and cheap. In fact, banks commonly sell an REO property for around 30% of its value just to be done with it. Sure, they end up losing money on the deal, but they end up losing less if they sell cheap now than they would if they kept the property for another six months while they try to pull everything together so that they can sell the property.

The great thing about working with the bank with an REO is that you aren’t buying site unseen. Because you can walk through the house and make all the inspections that you want, you can deal with them in a way that will give you the best deal, and the bank will typically be happy with any serious offer because it will get the house off of their hand and they will stop losing money.

Generally REOs are a great investment as long as you know what you are getting into. The bank simply wants to get rid of these homes, and if you find the right property and are ready to make the serious investment, it can be a great way to get off and running in the real estate business.

10 easy steps to an organized home office

Without the structure of an office outside of our homes, it is easy to scatter anything work related all over the house. We still need to complete our work in a timely and efficient manner. After all, the less time we spend working, the more time we have with our family. An organized home office will make for a faster and more pleasant workday. Here are a few ideas to get you and your home office organized.

1) Do you have a home office? You don’t necessarily need an entire room, but you should have a well-defined space to contain all your office essentials and files.

A desk in your bedroom that will hold your files, paper, pens, calculator and of course computer will do fine, especially in the beginning.

If your “office” consists of the dining room table, some of the drawers in your kitchen, a file cabinet in the basement and the computer in the bedroom, you may want to think about organizing everything in one spot.

Are you spending a lot of time searching for a particular document, running from room to room to find it? Consider moving all your files and papers to one central location, preferably close to the computer if that’s where you are doing the bulk of your work.

2) Keep your personal files and papers separate from your business things.

You will eventually have enough paperwork to deal with without having your personal bills, magazines and the kids’ after-school schedule mixed in there. Create a separate spot for those somewhere outside of your home office space.

3) Create a file system that works for you. Remember, you may be working for someone else, but when it comes to your home office, you are your own boss.

Think about how you look for a particular file or piece of paper. What will be the easiest way for you to find it? Then create a file system that works for you. Don’t worry, if you don’t get it right the first time, you can always resort and try again. Sooner or later you will come up with a system that is “just right” for you.

4) Take a good look at your work area. Do you have piles of papers, files, mail, floppy discs and CDs lying around? Do you notice anything else piling up? Set aside a few hours and put everything away. Use your new file system and find “homes” for anything else.

5) Now that you have your office organized, set aside a few minutes at the end of your workday to keep it that way. Try to “leave work” for the day with a clean, empty desk. You will appreciate it the next morning. This will also prevent you from ever coming across a huge pile of papers again.

6) Add a personal touch to your office. Bring in some pictures of the kids; add some pretty plants, inspirational quotes, or anything else you can think of that will make your office a pleasant place to work in. In addition to getting and keeping you in a good mood whenever you step in your office, you are more likely to keep it clean and organized if it is a place you treasure. So splurge a little on some special office dйcor.

7) Let’s talk about the files on your computer. You can waist just as much time searching for an online document as for a piece of paper. If your computer is used for work as well as for personal use, create a work folder and use subfolders for particular employers, projects etc.

Again, come up with a file system that works for you and keep your work files separate from your personal files. This is particularly important if other family members access the computer as well. If that’s the case, and you are using Windows XP, I strongly recommend setting up a separate user account just for work and password protecting it. This will prevent other family members from accidentally changing or deleting your work files.

8) In addition to your regular files, you also want to keep your emails organized. Let’s be honest, we have all wasted time searching for a particular email that contained some vital information we needed fast. Setting up folders for different clients and projects has worked well for me, but again find a system that works for you and stick with it. Sort the email as soon as you read it. It only takes a second or two to drop it in the appropriate folder, but will save you a lot of time if you have to find it later.

9) Now that you have a good filing system (both physical and digital) in place, set aside a little time every few months (or weeks if appropriate) to purge your files. We can quickly accumulate a lot of documents both in our file cabinet and on our hard drive that we no longer need. At the very least, try to purge your files twice a year.

10) Now that your office is organized, you may also want to take a look at organizing your time. Again, come up with a system that works well for you.

I encourage you to start with a few of these ideas to get your office and yourself more organized. You will be surprised by how much time you will save not searching for files, papers or the stapler. Before long, you won’t know how you ever functioned without an organized home office.

What else can ipods do

Ipods have become synomnous with music. However, with its 30 to 60 gigabytes, the iPod can handle more than just music. In addition to listening to your favorite tunes, you can also store up to 25,000 photos as well as 7,500 videos.

Some owners are even using their IPod with Microsoft Outlook Express or Outlook to assist in coordinating their calendar and contacts.

You can transfer files with your iPod. For example, when the memory on your digital camera becomes full, you can upload pictures from your camera to the IPod, freeing up camera space to take more pictures. After uploading pictures to your iPod, your pictures can be viewed as a slideshow. But if you want to view something more exciting, for a nominal fee, you can also download movies and TV shows off the internet.

Although, not up to par with the graphics of Playstation or Xbox, the iPod also has four different games you can play that include Music Quiz, Solitaire, Brick and Parachute.

Need a recorder? If iTalk, BelkinVoice or Podzilla are installed, your iPod can be used as a small audio recorder. Purchase an FM transmitter and you can hear your favorite music from your iPod on your car radio.

Turn your iPod into a flashlight with iBeam software. Install a program called Podtender onto your iPod, and with more than 900 recipes for mixed drinks, you will become your friends’ favorite bartender. Install Podgoumet which has 260 recipes, with an additional 277 recipes for vegans, and become a gourmet cook.

iPod Weddings has become a popular way to save money on the wedding reception. Rather than hire a DJ select your own songs to be played in the order that you wish. At the end of the wedding you’ll have the recordings of all the songs played on your special day.

And the list goes on. You can also use your iPod as an alarm clock and read audio books. With the right software and an abundance of resources on the internet, you’ll find many exciting things to do with your iPod.